Eating Out & Staying Healthy

7 Tips For Dieting & Going Out To Eat

Dieting isn’t always easy and keeping your social life while dieting is even harder. There will be a time you get stuck or just wanna eat out so here are 7 Dieting Tips I always try to follow when going out to eat…

Dieting Tips

Look for items that are baked, steamed, broiled, or grilled. These are almost always the healthier options and less calorie dense. Stay away from anything that’s fried!

A salad isn’t always the healthiest option. Keep the dressing on the side and add it in yourself after.

Ask for substitutes! Most restaurants will accommodate your requests. Lettuce bun instead of bread for your turkey burger, lower fat cheeses, fat free or lighter dressings, plain Greek yogurt over mayo or sour cream, less or no oil…you get the idea.

Vegetarian meals can be calorie dense. Always read what’s in what you’re ordering and be aware that these “healthy” vegetarian options can be packed with calories!

Use a calorie tracker. These trackers will almost always have whatever option you’re looking for on it. Nowadays most big restaurants even have their own section on these apps which makes things even easier. If they don’t, chances are you can find a similar item or add the individual ingredients that makeup the recipe. Life tip? Checking out your options before you go will make sure you’re not stuck to your phone while at dinner and save you an argument.

Still not sure what to eat and don’t have access to a calorie tracker? Water and a spoon is your friend. No, I’m kidding. Find the healthy section on the menu and go from there.

Bring your own spices or dressings with you. I’ve seen more than a handful of people bring their own sugar free syrup with them to breakfast so don’t feel weird doing so even if you get some weird looks.

Don’t stress out

So there are a couple dieting tips I’ve followed throughout the years. The most important tip however is to enjoy yourself when you go out and to not stress out over a few calories. Give yourself a little freedom and learn to practice moderation. I know I’ve definitely taken it too seriously at times and teaching myself to not overthink the process has yielded me much better results in the gym and my personal life. Of course if you’re competing or something then you have to take it a bit more seriously and that’s understandable. Let me know down below in the comments how you guys approach going out!

Need help at home? See our tips for meal prepping here!

7 Tips For Dieting & Going Out To Eat

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