
7 Quick Ways to Get More Fiber in Your Diet

7 Quick Ways to Get More Fiber in Your Diet

Dietary fiber is extremely important in everyone’s diet. Here are 7 quick and cheap ways to some more fiber in your diet! 7 Ways to Get More FIBER in Your Diet (Quick/Cheap)Watch this video on YouTube

Healthy Substitutes for Cooking

Healthy Substitutes for Cooking, Eating, and Cravings!

Iā€™m asked about my diet a lot and what people SHOULD ask me is what I use to substitute. Substituting not only helps me stay sane while on a calorie deficiency but also helps me give into my cravings whenever I want (within reason), in a healthier way. The main thing to remember is moderation…

5 Foods You Probably Never Eat But Should

5 Healthy Foods you probably NEVER eat but should

Here are a few of my favorite healthy foods that I think more people should eat! 1. Avocados – besides having a variety of benefits for your health (including helping people with problems in the bedroom). Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and fiber. 2. Sweet Potatoes – one of the best vegetables…

Why and When You Should Eat After The Gym

Why and When You Should Eat After The Gym

Yes, you should eat after the gym! We will call this “recovery nutrition”. This is the most important meal of the day by far. It may seem confusing to most, but it is really very simple once you understand how the body works. The number one thing you need to understand is that after working…

Benefits of Protein

Benefits and Disadvantages of The Most Common Types of Protein

While protein is one of the most important parts of our diets, you may be confused as to all the different types of protein out there. There are advantages and disadvantages of every kind. I will try my best to keep everything as simplified as possible. Lets start with: Whey Protein (Powder) What it is:…

Eating Out and Staying Healthy

22 Tips to Eating Out and Staying Healthy

Since we all eat out every once in awhile (some more than others), I’ve decided to write up a list of tips you can take into consideration when eating out. Get the dressing/sauces (such as gravy) on the side ā€“ Most restaurants overdo the dressing/sauces. Having it on the side lets you control how much…

Meal Prep

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