4 Complaints I Hate to Hear & How to FIX them!

Fitness Complaints

No one likes hearing complaints, especially in the fitness world! I’m sure any fitness professional, gym rat, or anyone that is involved with healthy living has heard their friends or someone asking for advice say the following: 1. I don’t have time for the gym! Really? You don’t have time for the gym but you…

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5 Healthy Foods you probably NEVER eat but should

5 Foods You Probably Never Eat But Should

Here are a few of my favorite healthy foods that I think more people should eat! 1. Avocados – besides having a variety of benefits for your health (including helping people with problems in the bedroom). Avocados are a great source of healthy fats and fiber. 2. Sweet Potatoes – one of the best vegetables…

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18 Fitness Myths

Fitness Tips

Every gym has them and most of us have heard them from someone we know or through listening to others at the gym in-between sets. We end up believing them and then telling people we know, thus continuing the cycle of “broscience”. This is how they start, and usually never end. I have come up…

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8 Common Mistakes a Beginner in the Gym Makes

Common Mistakes Gym Beginners Make

Are you a beginner in the gym? Well you’ve come to the right place! Here are 8 common mistakes I’ve found that most people make: 1. Not tracking your calories. Diet is the most important factor when training, yet many people think just by going to the gym that it will make you healthier (although…

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22 Tips to Eating Out and Staying Healthy

Eating Out and Staying Healthy

Since we all eat out every once in awhile (some more than others), I’ve decided to write up a list of tips you can take into consideration when eating out. Get the dressing/sauces (such as gravy) on the side – Most restaurants overdo the dressing/sauces. Having it on the side lets you control how much…

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